HRS Technology, LLC offers solutions to the geophysical problems for the oil and gas industry. It uses modern, unparalleled, high-resolution seismic technology, HRS Technology, which provides a detailed study of the internal structure of terrigenous and carbonate sediments, forecasting geological indicators of real geological environment to detect oil and gas deposits.
The authors have accumulated 25 years of experience in specialized integrated interpretation of seismic (2D, 3D) and geophysical data in various oil and gas regions: in a deep-water shelf of the Atlantic (Western Shetland and Sierra Leone), the Pripyat Trough (Republic Belarus), Saudi Arabia, Bulgaria, Cuba and Myanmar (Burma), Western and Eastern Siberia, Timan-Pechora and Volga- Ural oil and gas province, South Dagestan shelf of the Caspian, and Border Cenozoic basin of Sakhalin (Russia).
The following tasks are considered:
The dynamic parameters of the interference wave field is studied with a quantitative assessment of the elementary contribution of boundaries and thicknesses by using a software simulation of the dynamic characteristics of the reflected waves, i.e. the information content of the studied thin-layered section is directly estimated through modeling.
Processing and interpretation of well-log and vertical seismic profiling (VSP) data are implemented in the vertical sections of the deep boreholes. Processing and automated data interpretation of the standard well logging are performed by functional transformations of geophysical parameters through their integration into the information systems.
Seismic data processing is implemented on a special graph that ensures the preservation of the seismic record dynamics, which contains the identifiable information about the most important geological indicators in industrial exploration (lithology, reservoir properties, and oil saturation).
The numerical solution of the inverse dynamic seismic problem is performed to extract the seismic wave field information about the real geological medium from the interference record. In addition, based on numerical solutions, 2D-sections and 3D-cubes of the effective acoustic impedance (AI) and the effective reflectivity (RC) are built. Thus, a numerical algorithm for constructing detailed two- and three-dimensional seismic acoustic models based on the formation of a sequence of RC and AI has a high vertical and horizontal resolution of the elements in the thin-layered cut structure.
The interpretation of seismic data using a 2D- sections and 3D- cubes of AI and RC is implemented with the vertical resolution that equals to the quantization step of the seismic recording time. In comparison with traditional recordings of seismic wave field, the resolution of AI and RC of 2D- sections and 3D- cubes is overall increased, i.e. the results of inversion (RC and AI) are comparable with the logging data.
A construction of detailed seismological models is based on combined seismic interpretation of effective acoustic impedances (AI), effective reflectivity (RC) sections, cubes and well logging data. The construction is executed for the purpose of finding in these models the potential oil-bearing objects (hydrocarbon prospects), buried paleo-riverbeds, oil-water contacts (OWC), reefs, stratigraphic unconformities, strata wedging and others.
The structural building for the main lithostratigraphic parts of a section is performed using a velocity model of the real medium in the form of structural maps, maps of isochrones and of interval times (isopaches) for the targeted horizons and layers.
The high-resolution seismic technology, HRS Technology, allows a detailed study of the internal structure of the targeted deposits and determination of their oil-perspective through an assessment of geological and geophysical parameters in a studied section such as clayiness, sandiness, porosity, water saturation, oil-saturated thicknesses and others.
A clarification of the oil deposit borders, according to the hydrocarbon saturation outer contours, is realized based on the complex interpretation of the most informative predictive geological indicators.
With the help of one of the image recognition methods (cluster analysis), the problem of determining the facial zone substitution is solved. This method uses high-resolution seismic data and digital models of various geological indicators in the form of the corresponding distributions of three-dimensional grids.
The specific feature of the complex interpretation of the data, obtained using the high-resolution seismic technology, HRS Technology, is to find such a combination of geological and geophysical parameters that could be effectively used in specific seismgeological conditions for the study and analysis of complex geological mechanism. This mechanism determines a spatial distribution of the sought productive facilities and the ultimate location of complex oil-promising objects (oil and gas traps), oil and gas accumulation zones, local inhomogeneities, characterized by a certain set of composition and properties, etc.
According to the seismic data, both constant and variable calculation parameters are used to determine the volume of the recoverable hydrocarbon resources from the studied horizons and layer deposits. Those parameters are pre- defined and are used in the examination of the main calculation parameters for categories C1-C3.
Recoverable oil reserves and resources for each object are calculated by volume method at standard conditions using known calculation formulas.